Mission Statement:
The Fairy and Human Relations Congress affects the planet by joining with the nature, devic and other higher realms to bring more peace, love and understanding into the world. Our goal is not to escape the outer world but to positively affect it. At this time of multiple crises affecting humanity we feel it is very important to seek alliances with as many light forces as possible in other realms. Mother Earth and the fairy realms Are big players in what is transpiring on the planet. Though many deny their existence, the numbers of people who are tuning into the spiritual realms and to the nature spirit and fairy and devic realms is increasing by leaps and bounds. The Congress is one of the vanguard events bringing these people together. We are not a frivolous event although we do have lots of fun and costume up. Our intent is communication and cooperation, not only for our personal selves, but for all of humanity. We are allying ourselves with Mother Earth and with the forces for peace and love on planet Earth.