Faith is about following Christ who is changing our lives and can change your life, too! The point of transformation begins at the cross where Christ defeated sin and death. Thus, Faith is "changing lives at the crossroads".
The five purposes of F.A.I.T.H. reflect those of the early church : Fellowship, Adoration, Impact, Training and Helping. Faith is a fellowship of believers who adore God and impact their world with the Good News of Jesus Christ by training disciples to apply the Word of God and by helping to meet the needs of the whole person.
Within those five purposes, in this year of ministry we have focused on two priorities:
(1) impact that evangelizes the community through individual relationships, ministry together and global missions; and (2) training that equips disciples to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ through God's Word and mentoring relationships. This training is developing the next generation of spiritual leaders for the Church.