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Faith Community Church

50495 Sharon Drive

What We Believe
We believe in the verbal inspiration and final authority of the scriptures as originally given. (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21)

We believe in the absolute deity of our Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:1-5), His virgin birth (Matthew 1:18), His sinless humanity (2 Corinthians 5:21) , His vicarious death through the shedding of His blood for the remission of sins (Colossians 1:14) , His bodily resurrection and ascension (Luke 24:39-52, Acts 1:9), and in His imminent personal return to receive His church to Himself and establish His earthly kingdom (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Acts 3:17-21).

We believe in the reality and personality of Satan. (Jude 1:9, Matthew 4:3)

We believe in the trinity of the Godhead. (Matthew 28:19)

We believe in the fall of man through the sin of Adam (Romans 5:12), and in the consequent necessity of the new birth through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17-19).

We believe that the "invisible church", or "body of Christ", includes all regenerated persons who are saved by grace through faith according the revelation of the "mystery" as given to the Apostle Paul (Ephesians 3:1-12), and that her supreme mission is the proclamation of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and the preaching and teaching of God's word "rightly divided" for the nurture and perfecting of God's people (1 Corinthians 1:17, 2 Timothy 2:15).

We believe that the Lord's Supper was established to symbolize and memorialize Christ's dying for us until He comes again, and that attendance at the Lord's table is a matter between the believer and the Lord. (1 Corinthians 11:23-32)

We believe in the endless bliss of believers (Revelation 21:3-4, 1 Thessalonians 4:17), and in the endless punishment and suffering of unbelievers (Mark 9:45-46, Revelation 21:8).

We believe that the salvation of sinners is wholly by grace through faith, and that not of ourselves. (Ephesians 2:8) We believe in the virtue of our Lord's redemptive sacrifice on the cross as the one and only "means of grace" and basis for forgiveness of sins and that neither baptism, the Lord's Supper, nor any other rite or ritual, nor membership in the visible church, nor "good works" can add to our Lord's finished work on the cross. Christ alone saves.

We affirm that "We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them". (Ephesians 2:10)
