At Faith Lutheran Church, we are growing, sharing, and serving in the name of Jesus Christ!
We are part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Made up of over five-million members, we work together as Lutherans with other Christians around the world -- because we are growing, sharing, and serving in the name of Jesus Christ!
We are people just like yourself: not perfect, but we have experienced the forgiveness and wholeness of God.
We are people centered around God's Word and the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.
Here at Faith, we offer a wide variety of opportunities for all ages. We focus on worship, service, education, and community life (fun and fellowship). This web site offers you the ability to see what's going on and when. Please feel welcome to participate!
Whether you are someone who has not been around church much before, or have been away from the church for a long time, or are a friend, family member, or out-of-town guest, we want you to know that we welcome you, and hope that you will visit with us whenever you can!