About Us:
We are a neighborhood congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in Seaside, California. Our parishioners are a mix of military families and permanent residents from Seaside and around the Monterey Peninsula. We are a worshipping community gathered to celebrate the gospel of Jesus Christ by receiving His gifts and serving our neighbors.
The Divine Service (worship) is celebrated Sundays at 10 a.m., with weekly Holy Communion. Sunday School precedes worship at 9 a.m.
Our Belief:
Faith Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a confessional church body committed to the historic Christian faith.
Lutherans have been described as Evangelical Catholics:
catholic, in the sense of “universal,” holding to the great ecumenical creeds of the Church (Nicene, Apostles’, and Athanasian);
evangelical, in that we focus on the “evangel,” or Gospel, of Jesus Christ crucified and risen for the restoration of God’s good, but fallen, creation.
Our faith is thus biblical, sacramental, and Christ–centered. We confess:
The Holy Scriptures to be the inspired Word of God;
Holy Baptism and Holy Communion to be divinely instituted means of grace;
And the Lord Jesus, His death and resurrection, to be the heart of our faith
The best way to learn what Lutherans believe is to worship with us, since our liturgy conveys the sum and substance of our faith. You may also want to read the Augsburg Confession or the Small Catechism—documents from the Book of Concord, the Lutheran Confessions.