Fellowship exists to glorify God, caring for others as Jesus did.
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to WIN people to faith in Jesus Christ; BUILD them up in their faith; and then SEND them out to start the process all over again.
Using the simple acrostic G.R.A.C.E., we have five values that guide and give specific direction to our mission. They are as follows…
Grace – Grace is the core. Grace is what saves us and grace is what gives us security as believers that we are in His care. We are to live in grace all the time and our personal relationships are to be ones of extending and showing grace in all we do.
Relevance – We believe the truth of the Gospel is timeless and never changes. However, culture does change and we must communicate the Gospel in a culturally-relevant way. The use of contemporary music and current artistic forms are key components to this, as well as applicational teaching of the Word of God.
Authenticity – Simply put: we are REAL sinners who have a REAL Savior. Life is too short to play games and dance around the issues. With a commitment to truth and transparency, we want our ministry to be marked by a genuineness that others can sense and feel.
Community – Believing that life is to be a team sport, we are very committed to connecting believers with each other in life-changing fellowship. Honest sharing, speaking the truth in love, biblical teaching, serving one another and caring for one another are all hallmarks of the kind of community we desire to become and also believe was part of the 1st century church.
Extension – The Church does not just exist for Herself, but to reach a world that so desperately needs Christ. Through sharing our faith with others, as well as demonstrating that faith in acts of service and kindness, we value impacting our local, regional and global culture with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.