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The building that houses the Fenton Museum and Historical Society (pictured above), was built in 1900 by A.J. Phillips for his personal office. He had a factory on the next block, that made wooden snowshovels, ironing boards, screen windows and doors. He died in 1904 and left the building to the city to be used as a library. The A.J. Phillips Library was started in 1906. In 1987 when the library needed a bigger building, they moved over to the old Post Office building. The museum then moved in. It features Queen Anne architecture, and the Victorian room still has some the original items contained in it, including A.J. Phillips desk.
The Fenton Historical Society becomes Official:
From the Fenton Courier, Feb 14, 1936.
Charlie Damon called a meeting to organize a Fenton Historical Society to co-operate with the Genesee County Historical Society. The meeting was held at the law office of Maurice Matthews on Feb 15, at 7:30 PM, 1936. Election of officers were held, President was Dr. M.B. Smith, First vice president was Harry Lemen, 2nd vice president was JC Peck, Secretary, Treasurer was C.A. Damon.