Our Vision:
All Kids Achieving.
Our Mission:
Finley School District provides a safe, positive learning environment that empowers the whole student to use his or her natural and learned talents to become a productive, responsible member of both the community and world in which they live.
Our Beliefs:
Respectful communication is an essential element of a successful, high performance school district.
All staff members should elevate the academic standards by recognizing and accommodating the different learning styles of each student.
By encouraging a community partnership with our schools through involvement activities (i.e. classroom volunteering, youth athletics, etc.), we will ultimately improve student learning.
Everyone is a role model.
It is essential that everyone help create a student learning environment that encourages clear, open communication with mutual respect.
Every individual can learn.
Learning is a lifelong process.
Ability to adapt to change is essential.
A diverse population working in unity enriches a community.
Hard work and perseverance are essential in order to maximize our potential.
High expectations are important for student learning.
Our Goals:
1. Student Achievement:
Improve student achievement as measured by meeting or exceeding Adequate Yearly Progress.
Instruct using Essential Academic Learning Requirements and Grade Level Expectations.
Focus staff development on school improvement plans and district goals.
2. Curriculum:
Continue the curriculum adoption cycle .
Complete the math adoption at the high school.
Examine the social studies curriculum.
3. Positive Relations:
Provide the media with positive stories about Finley School District.
Foster community and parent involvement activities.
Continue the development of the Finley Community Center.
Recognize accomplishments of staff and students.
Provide clear, timely and on-going communication to parents.
4. Budget
Maintain balanced budget and appropriate cash reserve.
Seek new funding sources.
Maintain our buildings and grounds.