In early spring of 1966, a small group under the leadership of Hugh Key assembled to discuss the possibility of organizing an African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Church in Southern Nevada. In April 1966, First A.M.E. Church was fully organized under Rev. Horace Gholston. Services were held in several churches throughout the community until such time as a new church for First A.M.E. could be built. Under the leadership of Rev. Charles Wyatt, dedication services were held for the new church on April 20, 1975. From 1975 through 1994, several ministers were at the helm of First A.M.E., including: Rev. Albert Dunn, Rev. Charles Foster, Rev. J. Parker, Rev. James Allen, Rev. Waldo White, Rev. T. James Baker, Sr., Rev. Samuel Eugene Winn, and Spencer Francis Barrett.
In November 2003, Bishop John R. Bryant assigned Rev. Ralph E. Williamson to take First A.M.E. (a.k.a. FAME) to another level. Rev. "Ralph" challenged the congregation to catch the vision of building a new worship center to meet the needs of a growing congregation and the surrounding community.
First A.M.E. and Rev. Williamson witnessed the groundbreaking of construction for its new house of worship on April 27, 2008. In December 2008, the construction was completed. On Sunday, January 11, 2009, the first worship service was held in our new sanctuary.