About Us:
Our congregation is made up of a wide variety of God's people, all of us sharing our relationship with Christ in common. On a given Sunday you'll find children, singles, families, grandparents and retirees worshipping together.
As stewards of the ministry God has entrusted to us, our church is led in by 7 Deacons, a Board of Trustees, the Pastor and various committees. Congregational involvement in the life of our church is energetic and essential for a healthy ministry among our own family and to the community at large.
We are involved in the Chester-Andover Ministerium (a group of local clergy) who lead a number of annual events (including Lenten services, Concerts of Prayer, and Baccalaureate services). We are a member congregation of the American Baptist Churches of Vermont and New Hampshire, and the pastor is a member of American Baptist Evangelicals.