The gospel is what we proclaim about Jesus. God became a man, lived a sinless life, died on a cross to pay the penalty for our sins, and defeated sin and death by coming back to life three days later. The gospel, the good news of who Jesus is and what he has done, is the foundation of who we are and all that we do. God is the only one who can and does change lives.
We publicly love and serve God through the community of the church. As individuals, we worship, learn, and grow in our private lives. However, God has not createdus to be hermits or to live in isolation. The gospel breaks apart divisions that separate people and calls us to be his body, his family, his representatives. We work to become less a group of individuals and more a single entity. When one person hurts, we all hurt. When one person or family is struggling, we all struggle. When one person is happy and rejoicing, we all rejoice together. We really matter to each other and what matters to one of us matters to all of us. Each of us becomes a better follower of Jesus as we encourage one another by worshipping, learning, growing, loving, and serving together.
God has called us to be his representatives on earth. We obey this call by loving and serving the people around us just as our Lord modeled for us. We want to be doing both. We want to love through serving, and we want to serve lovingly. We first want to serve our neighbors and friends in Fairdale and Louisville and then people throughout the world. We want to meet physical needs as well as spiritual needs. And, we want to be active in looking for ways, places, people, and times to serve—all while looking for opportunities to proclaim Jesus. We look forward to the day when our mission is complete and there are people from Fairdale, Ecuador, St. Thomas, India, Africa, Asia, and every tribe, nation, people, and language together with one voice worshipping the Lamb who was slain.