Worship is the way we corporately express our adoration of God. Every aspect of our worship is based on God’s Word and empowered by His Holy Spirit. More than singing a few songs, worship is our response to the awesome God we serve and what He has done for us. Throughout the week, we desire to live lives that honor God with every breath—and on Sundays, we gather together to express our love to Him.
We must grow as Christians. At FBC Bloomfield, we are challenged to grow in your walk with God by learning and applying God’s Word in every aspect of our lives. We strongly believe that as the church it is our job to continually help people grow and mature in Christ.
It’s not about me. That’s the theme here…Jesus gave us the greatest example through His life of being a servant. He commands us to do the same by serving others in our lives. We are to lead others in serving through projects planned specifically to engage the lost community around us with the Gospel through words and deeds.
Service is wonderful and necessary, but service just for good deeds sake is not enough. We are commanded to go into all the world and preach the gospel. That means saying the WORDS of the gospel…not just passively living it out and hoping people see Jesus in us. Intentionality is key here.
Everything we do at FBC Bloomfield points back to one of these values. Every little thing we do is rooted in this process: Gathering, Growing, Serving, Sharing.