Our local missions are those works that we do in the Chula area. Our boundries extend approximately 7.5 miles from Chula, but certainly are not limited by that radius. We seek to minister to those in need of spiritual guidance, those that have emergency financial needs, and those who simply need a place to call a church home. We do local missions through our Sunday School Bible teaching hour, our Discipleship Training hour, our music, and our missions organizations (RA's, GA's, Acteen's, Mission Friends)
We also work within our local association of churches, the Mell Baptist Association. This work is directed by Craig Nalls, our DOM. He helps our 29 churches work together in reaching into new areas of our county where churches may not exits, and in working with those from outside our country who come here to work. We presently are hosting a Hispanic Mission in Omega, Georgia, and are praying about the creation of another Hispanic mission in the Chula area. We contribute to this work with our time and money, and are prayerful that all our churches will participate.