Our mission and calling as Conway's First Baptist Church is to:
About Us:
Together we learn. The first Baptist Church of today provides a program of activities that nurture the whole Christian. A well-organized Sunday School has become established and is augmented by Sunday night classes and other Bible study groups throughout the week, allowing members numerous opportunities to “grow in wisdom, statue, and in favor with God and man.”
Together we praise God in song. There is a complete music program in place, including a full Chancel Choir along with additional choirs for all ages as well as hand bell groups. For those who prefer more contemporary music, there are vocal and instrumental bands that provide music for the contemporary service.
Together we serve. The members of the First Baptist Church have always given priority to missions. Through prayer and through gifts they have supported missions at home and around the world. In recent years members of the church have participated in foreign mission efforts in Brazil, Kenya, Morocco, Guatemala, Chile, Guyana, Benin, Indonesia, Taiwan, Trinidad, Russia, and Afghanistan. Youth groups have participated in mission trips to Connecticut, North Carolina, and Georgia; and family groups have gone to West Virginia. Church members have also volunteered to participate in “hands on” missions in our community.
The First Baptist Church of Conway had a simple beginning. In 1866 a small group of believers met, probably in a schoolhouse that once stood on Fifth Avenue of Conwayborough. Only ten people were present, but from this small number the church began.
The early years were marked by slow growth; however, in 1876 A Sunday School was begun. In the same year, William Burroughs deeded to the church an acre of land on which a small wooden building was built. In the early 1900’s the old wooden church was moved back and converted into a parsonage, and a brick church was erected and dedicated in 1911. The present sanctuary was completed and dedicated in 1951. The educational wings were added in 1939 and 1960.
The late forties and early fifties were important years in the history of our church, for it was during these years that First Baptist Church helped in establishing four mission churches: Homewood, Jamestown, Langston Heights, and North Conway.
The first fully constituted church was Homewood, begun in 1945. The next of the four was Jamestown, established in 1948. Another of the mission churches, Langston Mission, became Langston Heights Baptist Church in 1953. A later mission established at North Conway became a church in 1956.