Our movement began in frontier America in the early 1800's. 'Disciples' came from Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, and other backgrounds with a desire to do away with divisive creeds and practices.
Their plea was the unity of all Christians on the basis of no creeds but Christ, and no book but the Bible.
In the essentials of our faith -- unity; in non-essentials -- liberty; in all things -- love.
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Chillicothe, was organized June 24, 1894. After meeting for some years in the Odd Fellows Hall, the congregation purchased property on North Bridge Street in 1901 and built its first building. In 1930 the congregation moved to 268 West Water Street, the former residence of David Meade Massie, grandson of Nathaniel Massie who founded Chillicothe. The Massie House was used as sanctuary, classrooms, fellowship hall and parsonage.
A new sanctuary, dedicated in 1957, greatly increased worship space and ministry opportunities. The Baader House, next to the Massie House, was purchased in 1985 and is used as the parsonage.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, we continue our ministry together in the great commission given by the risen Jesus Christ, 'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations . . . And lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.'