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5929 Old Street Louis Road
About Us:
First Christian Church is a non-denominational New Testament congregation, part of a world-wide movement to restore the essentials of apostolic Christianity as a means to unity of all Christian believers. We believe in Biblical Christianity and endeavor to lead lives of faithfulness and devotion. We believe the Bible is the only divine rule of faith and practice given to the followers of Christ.We insist upon only those matter which the New Testament sets forth as requirements for the forgiveness of sins and membership in Christ's Church
Faith in God and the divine Son Jesus (Matt. 16:6, Heb. 11:6).
Repentance of sin (Luke 13:3, Acts 13:9)
A public confession of Christ (Rom. 1:9; Acts 8:37)
Baptism by immersion in the name of Christ for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38; Gal. 3:27)
A Christian life of steadfastness (I Cor. 15:58).
Every Lord's Day we observe Communion Service (Acts 20:7), believing this to be the will of Christ and a means of spiritual nourishment and growth (John 6:53). We do not practice "closed communion." Every obedient believer in Christ is free to participate if he or she wishes to do so.
First Christian Church is an independent, non-denominational fellowship of believers who seek to follow Christ and wear only His name. Although we exist apart from any external authority or control, we do participate with other churches in many projects and programs that exalt the Lord Jesus and spread the Gospel. We are not the only Christians, but we earnestly strive to be Christians only. We are committed to maintaining unity in the essentials, to allowing freedom in matters of opinion, and to demonstrating love always.