Our worship service is primarily traditional, but we periodically incorporate contemporary elements, such as modern praise music. Whatever the mode of worship, we seek to glorify the Lord.
While we acknowledge the historical importance of the ancient creeds of our forebearers, we are not creedal by definition. Similarly, in a corporate sense we are but mildly confessional. Our confessions are typically held privately before the Lord, and to each other.
We observe two sacraments: the Lord’s Supper (Communion) and Baptism. Neither imparts salvation to the recipient. Communion, in which we memorialize our Lord’s sacrifice, is open to believers, those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Eligibility to partake is determined by the individual’s heart before the Lord. We practice two modes of Baptism. Consistent with our Reformed roots, we practice traditional infant Baptism, in which the infant enters into a covenantal relationship with the body of Christians. We also baptize adult believers, in which the candidate makes a conscious, outward testimony to his or her salvation.
As the Lord works to transform us into His likeness, so does He work to transform His church. As such, we are a work-in-progress. Come worship and grow in the Lord with us!