1. The Role of the Mission Team
The role of the Mission Team, as set forth by the Constitution and By-Laws of the First Congregational Church (Article VI, Section 19), is to "set up and carry out the local evangelism and worldwide mission program of the congregation" and "to give direction and meaning to Christ's "Great Commission".
2. The Purpose of the Mission Team
In response to the "Great Commission" of Christ, and to the responsibilities given it by the congregation, it is the goal of the Mission Team to work within the First Congregational Church: educate the membership and elevate the awareness of the reason and need for Christian Missions; encourage participation in local, national, and world missions; and mobilize prayer, personnel, and financial resources in support of such ministries. The primary purposes shall be to preach the Good News of Christ to all the world. (Mark 16: 15), to bring men, women, and children to a saving knowledge of God through faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 10: 11 - 15), and to serve the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of humankind in the name of and with the compassion of Christ.