Our mission is to proclaim God's love within our church, our community, and
our world. Hence, we believe that sharing God's love with others is the
basis for all the programs and activities within our church. We proclaim
Christ's love by "connecting" with him, that is remaining attached to the
Vine, as Jesus reminds us in John's gospel. In addition, led by his
spirit, we feel called to care for others (our fellow branches). Toward
this end, we want to share our unique God given talents unselfishly to
glorify God and serve others as he directs us. Connecting with our church
family (and those beyond the church walls in our community, nation, and
world) whether in common worship, in Bible study, in mission projects, or
even in fellowship dinners provides us opportunities to proclaim the love
of God, "the main thing" our church seeks to demonstrate. Toward this end
we continue to pray, worship, work, study, and share so that others may be
led to a life-changing relationship with God through Jesus Christ and
through the power of the Holy Spirit.