We are a faith community, centered in Christ, doing justice, loving kindness and walking humbly with God.
Open Minds: We develop programs and practices that encourage spiritual growth and explore our relationships within the body of Christ.
Open Hands: We believe in the biblical call to serve. We put our faith into action and commit our time and gifts to promote social justice, peacemaking and stewardship of God's creation.
Open Hearts: We honor the value and dignity of each person.
Open Table: We are an inclusive, open and affirming community. We welcome all people.
We celebrate diverse worship styles.
We nurture our church community and are actively involved in our wider community.
We promote education and value dialog over dogma.
We put our faith into action through mission and support of social justice and peace.
We encourage faith exploration and spiritual growth.
We express our faith creatively.
We value children and youth and respect their gifts.
We are Presbyterians connected to the greater church.
About Us:
We are a very diverse community of people called together to "love kindness, do justice and walk humbly with our God." At First Church, you will meet people from all walks of life: college students, professional folk, homeless persons, artists, musicians, young families, octogenarians, children, singles, married, to name a few - and at all stages on the spiritual path.
We affirm that there can be no exclusiveness within the body of Christ. In 2009, the Session of our church adopted the following welcoming and affirming statement to invite all to participate fully in the life of this faith community:
We believe that each individual is of sacred worth. We pledge ourselves to engage in the sacred hospitality and responsibility Christ taught us. We commit ourselves to maintaining a place of safety and sanctuary for all races, cultures, ages, sexual orientations, family structures, economic situations, and mental or physical conditions. Through the grace of Christ we dedicate ourselves to live out these commitments creatively, lovingly, humbly and with hope.