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Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church

131 South Main Street

About Us :

For over two hundred years Friedens Lutheran Church has been in this place reaching outward and building upward to touch lives with the Good News of Jesus Christ! In the 1780's people gathered here on the edge of the frontier to receive strength and comfort from Almighty God as they struggled to secure a foothold in the wilderness! In the mid-1800's this congregation supported the work of their pastor, Father John Christian Frederick Heyer, as he answered the call to be the first Lutheran missionary from the United States. He laid the foundation for the Lutheran Church in India. Although traveling far and wide as a missionary, Father Heyer called Friedens his home. He and his wife are buried in our church cemetery.

Today our congregation continues to be a vibrant and growing faith community. At Friedens we seek to help all ages grow in their faith relationship with the Lord Jesus. We seek to provide many ministry opportunities in which families and youth can find the strength and guidance they need for life in these challenging times.We take very seriously our role in the life of the Somerset area community by being actively involved in ministries that provide for the needs of those outside our church family as well as our members. Our present building expansion program has the goal of providing needed ministry space not just for our congregation but for community events and needs. Here at Friedens Lutheran Church our goal is to allow the light of Christ shine out into this community and beyond!
