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Friends Church

2846 S.O.M. Center Road

We believe that the Bible is verbally inspired and the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.

We believe that every person is born a sinner and needs a personal Savior in order to have a relationship with God which is the requirement to spend eternity in heaven. We believe in a real heaven and a real hell and believe that it is not God's desire for anyone to go to hell. Those who reject Christ condemn themselves.

We believe that God loves man and sent Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, to pay the price for our sin that we are unable to pay. Salvation comes through a personal commitment to Christ.

We believe that the church consists of all believers and that each believer is equipped to minister. This equipping is done by the Holy Spirit as He gives spiritual gifts to each part of the body.

We believe it is our responsibility to discover and use our personal gifts in evangelism and for the edification of the body of Christ. All gifts are for today and no gift should be lifted up above others. The purpose of spiritual gifts is to lift up Jesus Christ.

We believe in the second coming of Christ for His Church, the Tribulation period to come, and the establishment ultimately of a new heaven and a new earth.

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Friends Church Willoughby Hills News - January 29, 2025

Experience authentic community at Friends Church Cleveland, OH - a welcoming congregation focused on real relationships and spiritual growth. Visit us on Sunday. Visit for more…

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