When you visit Friends Memorial Church, we believe you will find that "we are more than friends…we are a family serving God." We are always ready to welcome new friends and family members.
You'll find many opportunities for worship and fellowship for you and your family. Sunday School begins at 9:30 a.m. and offers a variety of classes for all ages. Beginning at 10:30 a.m., we gather in Goddard Fellowship Hall for refreshments and conversation. At 11 a.m. morning worship begins with hymns, children's moment, choir/special music, a message and a time for reflection and meditation. Children attend junior worship following the children's moment.
Friends refer to their time of worship as "meeting." This gave rise to a popular expression among Friends: "The service begins when the meeting ends." Our service activities include a monthly Food Pantry for those in need. We also support and volunteer for many community organizations. We are an urban ministry, active in our downtown neighborhood.