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Friends of Anahuac Refuge

4017 FM 563

The Mission

The mission of the Friends of Anahuac Refuge is to support, preserve, promote, and enhance Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge and its use for recreational, educational, and scientific research purposes.


Our organization has goals to accomplish. We are a dynamic group determined to make a difference. In 1999 alone, we contributed $2,900 to our Youth Education Program and $15,000 towards Prairie Restoration. We also assisted the refuge with new fishing piers, a handicapped accessible waterfowl hunting blind, help refuge management host annual events such as our reading program and Fishing Day to promote awareness and education of the refuge and it's benefits. We have many other projects awaiting us. We would love to have your participation as well as your input on how we can better accomplish our goal to provide funds, volunteer labor, and in-kind resources to meet the needs and goals of the refuge.