The Friends of the Gardens of Matter Park, Inc. is a non-profit organization that offers an annual series of educational and quality of life programming for the benefit of Grant County and surrounding communities. The organization also raises funding for the Gardens of Matter Park Endowment at the Community Foundation of Grant County to secure the future of the Gardens. The Gardens of Matter Park are one of just five Proven Winners “Signature Gardens” in the U.S. and the home of the award-winning Butterfly Garden. The Friends’ programming in the Gardens is offered at little or no charge and is uniquely designed to raise awareness and appreciation of the environment. The Friends also co-sponsor the Garden Education Series with the City of Marion, presenting experts this year on such topics as bugs, birds of prey, and honey bees. The Friends are grateful for faithful financial donors, and for local students, clubs, retirees and other community members who donate hundreds of hours in the Gardens to help prepare, plant and maintain the beds each year.