We believe that God created the world, and that his son Jesus Christ is the Redeemer of creation. We believe in the Holy Spirit, through whom we acknowledge God's gifts, and we repent of our sin in the misuse of these gifts.
We believe that everyone matters to God, and therefore everyone matters to the church.
To reach everyone we strive to be culturally relevant, and doctrinally pure. We want to meet people where they are in their everyday lives.
Our mission is to do whatever it takes to make disciples for Jesus Christ by helping people take their next step towards Christ... together.
We value prayer, creativity, friendliness, risk-taking, permission giving, small groups, tithing, and being friendly to the community.
We have high expectations of our members. We expect them to be loyal to Friendship, to be prayer partners, to attend worship consistently, to serve, to tithe, to be a witness, and to live up to the name Friendship.