We were young, full of passion and wanted to share our passion for tasty organic foods. Our family believes change starts at home, and the Stillaguamish River Valley was ready for a change. All the farmers in our area were out of business or close to it, and most of the great land of the valley was being farmed by agri-business farms out of the Skagit Valley. It was a sad time for family farms in Arlington, most didn't even produce food for people to eat anymore.
For the sake of our children, the farm mission is to be a sustainable agricultural business, from the land, to the farm workers, to our customers. As farmers and humans we have a deep understanding of the environment and life systems though healthy soil and healthy plants. We believe humans are just caretakers here on planet earth, and for the sake of future generations we would start a revolution - a food revolution. Things happened pretty fast the first years as we developed personal relationships with the community who enjoyed our food. Day by day, and year to year, our farm grew to support us and our employees. Today our manages about 40 acres, but only uses about 20 for production year to year. We continue to love to grow food, and the experience of being a farmer from season to season.