About Us
Gates Volunteer Ambulance Service has a rich heritage of providing prompt, professional service to the residents of the town of Gates for more than 40 years. Over time, we've adapted to changes in the field of EMS and embraced to the latest technologies. With four advanced life support (ALS) ambulances, two ALS response vehicles and a roster of 100 career and volunteer EMS professionals, Gates Volunteer Ambulance Service is focused on providing a world-class level of care.
In 2004, 911 dispatched Gates Ambulance to 4048 emergencies in our coverage area. That's one call for every 10 residents! From car accidents and trouble breathing, to aches and pains, Gates Ambulance professionals are there to answer the call. But that's not all we do. Gates also conducts blood pressure clinics, community stand-bys, CPR and first aid training classes, Child Safety seat inspections and tours for civic organizations. We also operate one of Monroe County's largest mobility assistance loan closets, with nearly 700 crutches, wheelchairs, walkers and canes in our inventory, free of charge to Gates residents.