We hold monthly matches on the 3rd Sunday of each month at Crooked Creek, Our Cowboy Range that is for members only. Guests are welcome!
The Gateway Shootist Society is affiliated with the National Rifle Association and we are a Single Action Shooting Society organization.
Our shoots are conducted by using the SASS rules and guidelines, and you can see us listed in the "SASS Cowboy Chronicle".
It's a chance to enjoy the fastest growing shooting sport! We all enjoy watching western movies and TV shows, so why not be that individual, where all the cowboys and cowgirls dress up in the garb of the old west. You can be a lawman, dentist, military soldier, preacher, trapper, villain, banker, bartender or saloon girl. It's your choice of character.
Our monthly match consist of 5 stages, all with very good stories and scenarios for all. These could be from movies or real events. (prox. 50 rounds-pistol, 50 rounds-rifle, 20-25 rounds shotgun) Side matches will vary month to month. If there happens to be any changes to this schedule, see the events tab.
Every once in awhile, we take a break from the big guns and have some 22 Matches.A lot of fun with the smaller caliber, and no shotguns!
For some excitement and challenge, try the Indiana Jones Matches.The dress up is great and so is the shooting!
We have also added the Wild Bunch shooting Matches, which have gotten very popular.