Geiger Shooting Range is first of a kind shooting complex operated by the Boy Scouts of America that is open to public. The shooting range is built on 40 acres in BSA Camp Geiger surrounded by beautiful scenery of rolling hills.
Camp Geiger has one of the Top Ten Summer Camp Programs in the United States and Camp Geiger is the birthplace of COPE (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience). Through the leadership and commitment of thousands of adult volunteer Scouters and community leaders, we have not only grown the number of registered youth members, but we have strengthen the traditions of Scouting by delivering quality year-round programs.
The new shooting range will continue our efforts to raise the next generation of responsible Sportsmen. As of August 15th 2014 Geiger Shooting Range will be under new managment.
Proceeds from shooting activities benefit Pony Express Council, Boy Scouts of America and will ensure that Camp Geiger can provide successful programs to more than 4000 Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers each year.
For 100 years, Scouting has instilled citizenship training character development and leadership skills in our youth.