We are a fishing club for children,women, and men age 5 and over. For fisherman or fisherwomen of all skill level.
We meet 1-3 times a month for practice on lake and meetings (meetings from 10am-2pm, Practice Run/Training on lake weekends 8am -4pm).
If you don't know how to fish, but would like to learn how to fish; no probem, we provide instructions.
Although, this is a club for fisherman, members are welcome to talk about any subject/topics of their choosing or would like to learn more about (please keep it clean and friendly).
For boaters and non boaters (those who do not own a boat).
- In class teaching
- On lake fishing practice("PRACTICE RUN")
- Lectures
- Guest speakers
- Training and expertise of a guide (in preparation for upcoming fishing competitions held locally and nationwide/nationally).
- BBQ outings
- Friendly fishing competitions between members for cash and non cash prizes.
- Kid's fishing rodeo/fishing contest, attending seminars.
- Plenty of hands-on practice on lake,
- Group discussions
- Demonstration
- Exchange ideas and techniques
- Members sharing of new skills and hobbies not related to fishing.
- Individually or as a group we will compete in fishing tournaments when everyone is ready to compete against the pros, etc.
- Demonstrate how to fish
- Rod selection (spinning rod, baitcasting rod), pros and cons of each type.
- Bait selection (artificial and live baits) and how and when to use different bait, under what water conditions and situations.
- Bait color selection (when to use light and when to use dark color lures, under what water conditions).
- Species 101 (habit, behavior, what effects their feeding behavior, diet, spawning).
- How to catch them
- Thermocline
- Spring and Fall Turnover
- Lure presentation
- Demontration on different casting techniques(PITCHING/ FLIPPING/SLING SLOT and when it's used).
- Different riggings and how to tie one on (DROP SHOT, TEXAS RIG, CAROLINA RIG, FLICK SHAKE, FLOAT N' FLY).
- How to degas/fizz a belly up fish
- How to keep fish alive longer
- Under what conditions do you use above rigging, color selections of bait, these are some of topics we will cover, too many to list here.
*These are just some of the basics to help beginners and pros when they hit the lake for training.
Joining a fishing club is a great way to expand your circle of friends, excellent for networking, and great way to make extra cash on side or bring in a 2nd income; as we compete individually or as group locally and nationally for cash and non cash prizes.
There is a fee of ($35 monthly membership fee plus an ANNUAL boat rental fee) to cover: boat rental (so everyone may have access to a boat), training and expertise of a fishing guide, guest speakers, and supplies and material/equipment.
*Please DO NOT send any payments to address mentioned on this site, this address is for holding meetings only. Not our mailing or payment address, we do not receive mails here.