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Glasgow Cumberland Presbyterian Church

101 Cumberland Street

Our History

The Glasgow church began as a mission in the home of Mrs. Lennie Bagby in April 1957.  The local congregation was officially organized on October 18, 1959 with 26 charter members.  The basement of the manse served as the sanctuary after it was constructed.  The first worship service was held on May 6, 1962 in the Sanctuary.  The monthly budget was $200.  The first organ was purchased in 1965 with Green Stamps.  In 1965, the Educational building and an addition to the Sanctuary were completed.  Then in the mid-1970's, the Church Office and additional Sunday School rooms were built.

In March of 2004, the Glasgow Cumberland Presbyterian Church completed a building expansion that added a 600-seat sanctuary as well as a 450-seat fellowship hall with commercial kitchen. With over 21,000 square feet added to the existing facilities, G.C.P.C. hopes to continue the growth it has experienced over the past seven years.  In 1996, the church's average attendance was around 60.  Today, that number has increased over four hundred percent. G.C.P.C. serves around 75 children each Wednesday evening in its WOW program.  The new fellowship hall, named for founding members Bill and Mildred Gore, houses the meal for the children and WOW workers each Wednesday evening.

In the dedication service, nearly 600 people attended the celebration, which included former pastors as well as Glasgow Mayor and Presbytery Clerk Rev. Daryl Pickett. The service was also greeted by a dignitary from a South African church which G.C.P.C. helps support.  Over 150 children and musicians participated in an awe-inspiring service, which included a cantata by the choir and orchestra entitled 'Fill This House'.

Glasgow Cumberland Presbyterian Church now hosts a number of ministries and plays an important role in our community and among our sister churches.

Glasgow Cumberland Presbyterian Church offers ministries to all ages and works with missionaries around the world.

God is richly blessing the Glasgow Cumberland Presbyterian Church and HE receives all the glory.
