Global Village Academy is a FREE K-8 public school that focuses on:
• Academic excellence
• Mastery of a second language (Spanish, Chinese, or German)
• 21st Century skills
The school also is establishing a culture of leadership and character that reflects the hallmarks of good citizens that play such a major role in our community.
Any student from any CO district may attend and parents choose us because they want to give their children the gift of a quality education AND second language skills.
We offer FREE Full day kindergarten programs and our program is tuition-free for all grades.
Our teachers meet or exceed all state and federal requirements and our students benefit from being part of a very diverse international school that includes teachers from around the world.
GVA students learn a second language WHILE they learn their core subjects. This is the way that European and Canadian schools help students learn 2 or even three languages. They key to success is to start this instruction at an early age and have students USE the language daily, rather than just learn ABOUT the language.
One of the most interesting facts about our program is that when our students start taking the TCAP in 3rd grade, they take the English test and they have been scoring in the top 15% when compared to similar schools in the District. Mastering a second language through immersion, actually enhances learning engagement and academic performance.
An eighth grader who has gone through our program has the new language skills of a college graduate who majored in foreign language. And our students are learning to READ, WRITE, SPEAK, AND LISTEN in a second language — not just learning basic tourist words.
Our curriculum is aligned with Colorado Standards, Core standards and is internationally benchmarked. It includes the highest rated math program in the US – Singapore math; Voice Reading and 6-trait writing; and a science and social studies curriculum developed with grants from the US National Security Agency and US Dept. of Defense.
Each of our classrooms has a "smart" board or interactive white board and six desktop computers for student use. Students take the standard TCAP Colorado State test and we also test for reading skills with DIBELS, achievement gains through MAPS testing, and we use the STAMPS test to measure new language skills.
This program is very attractive for parents of English language learners and heritage speakers, and it truly is all about giving your child the gift of a second language — for FREE.
We have public information nights, Tuesdays at Timberline Church on S. Timberline from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, we are on Facebook and Twitter as well. Come find out how choosing GVA for your child is truly a gift of a lifetime.