The Bible is without error and inspired by God. The word of God has been divinely preserved for us in the English language in the Authorized 1611 King James Bible. It is the sole foundation for our faith and practice.
The God of the Bible is revealed to us as a Trinity -- God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. These three are one.
Jesus Christ is the virgin born Son of God as well as God the Son.
Jesus Christ died for our sins and arose from the dead. He has the power to save men from the penalty of sin and to preserve them in the love of God forever.
Man's acceptance of God's gift of eternal life is absolutely necessary to save his soul. Man is saved by grace through faith in Christ alone, apart from good works.
Baptism and the Lord's Supper are two ordinances given to the Church by Jesus Christ. The only scriptural mode of Baptism is by immersion. The Lord's Supper is a memorial. Neither ordinance imputes saving grace but is purely symbolic of spiritual truth.
The local church is the only ordained institution to accomplish the will of God on earth in this present world. Our church fellowships and cooperates only with other churches of like faith and practice.
We believe in the pre-tribulational and pre-millennial return of Jesus Christ.