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Grace Covenant Church

24430 Nobottom Road

About Us :

Our purpose as a church is to glorify God by finding our fullest joy and delight in Him, and to proclaim to others that fullness of joy is found only in God as He has made Himself known through Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. We seek to fulfill our purpose in three main areas: Worship, Discipleship, and Evangelism.

Worship: Our worship service is designed to glorify God in accordance with His Word. We believe that the Scripture teaches that our worship is to be God-centered, not man-centered. Thus, we do not engage in so-called “seeker-sensitive” forms of worship. We design our worship to please God, believing that when God is pleased in the worship of His people, His people find joy in Him. We seek, through expository preaching of the Holy Scripture, to declare the nature of our majestic God. We seek, through the singing of hymns, accompanied by music that is honoring to God, to reinforce the principles and concepts of Scripture. We believe that music that is honoring to God does not sink to the lowest common denominator, but strives for excellence.

Evangelism : Our desire is to reach out to to men and women around us with the good news of free forgiveness of sin through the life and sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. We believe that outreach should be a way of life for those whose lives have been transformed by the magnificent grace of God. As we leave the church gathered and go into the world, our prayer is that God will open doors of ministry to us as individuals and that He will grant grace to us to be willing to walk through those doors. We believe the gospel is designed to be a joy to all peoples. Our vision is not limited to our immediate geographic surroundings. Rather, we hold a world view which stirs us to support missionaries who are sent out to spread the Gospel to other places.

Discipleship : Our week-to-week ministry is also characterized by a desire to see each individual grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We offer sound Biblical exposition and practical application, and various opportunities for fellowship. Our firm conviction is that the proclamation of the Word of God by qualified and proven men is the central means ordained by God to achieve this goal. Thus, our public services emphasize preaching and teaching, along with singing, prayer, and the offering of our gifts to God.

Part of discipleship is being part of a church, which is governed according to scriptural principles. As a part of that discipline, we are responsible to our officers (elders and deacons). We believe that it is essential for a church to work cooperatively in formal association with other like-minded churches. We maintain such a relationship via our affiliation with ARBCA.

By the grace of God, we desire to see the testimony of New Testament Christianity carried to, and lived out before, a lost and dying world. We invite all to come and join with us in experiencing the joy of worshipping our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ!

What We Believe :
We strictly subscribe to the 1689 London Baptist Confession as the best expression of the teachings of Holy Scripture. To be a Reformed Baptist Church means that you subscribe to those doctrines which were central to the Reformation, i.e. the primacy and sovereignty of God in salvation, church life, and the world. Some of the critical points and distinctives of our doctrinal stance include:
- There is one God, eternally existing in three persons, who created all things and upholds all things by his perfect will.
- That the Holy Scripture is the only certain and infallible source of all saving knowledge, that God has revealed Himself and His will to the church through the Scriptures.
- Man is thoroughly sinful and in need of salvation through a personal redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Salvation is by grace alone through faith in Christ’s finished work on the cross to atone for man’s sins.
- Christ is Lord over all of the Christian’s life, so that the duty of each Christian is to live for God’s glory, submitting to His will as it is revealed in the Scriptures.
- The blessed hope of every Christian is the personal, visible, and bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The expectation of the second advent of Christ, far from encouraging speculation, has a purifying effect on the life and conduct of true believers.
- We believe in the rule of a plurality of elders.
- We believe in baptism by immersion of those making a credible profession of faith in Jesus Christ.

We believe that membership in a biblical church is essential in the life of a Christian.

We believe the moral law of God, summarized in the Ten Commandments, including keeping the Lord’s Day, is the rule of life for Christians

Some of our key distinctive practices and beliefs are summarized in the booklet "What is a Reformed Baptist Church?".
