Grace Church is a congregation in The United Methodist Church. We are shaped by our Wesleyan heritage, our Denomination's message of "Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors," and our role as an Acts 2 congregation in our Conference.
In addition we also seek to live as a people who give life and expression to our congregational core values:
Core Value 1: To Exhibit Spiritual Passion
We seek to love and glorify God with all of our heart, mind, and soul through the joyful worship of the One who is our creator, savior, and sustainer and the source of our life and mission. We seek to honor Christ through living out our commitment to love one another, our neighbors, and ourselves as Christ loves us. We seek to be filled by the Holy Spirit, who leads us into truth, empowers our lives, and equips us for ministry.
Core Value 2: To Be Grounded in Scripture
We are committed to Biblical teaching, preaching, and personal Bible study. Through our faithful reading of Scripture, in conjunction with our reason, experience and tradition, we gain our understanding of God, ourselves, our world and our calling.
Core Value 3: To Build a Grace-Based Ministry and Church Family
We believe that Jesus came to seek the lost, heal the brokenhearted, set the captive free, and redeem us so that we can become who God created us to be. We recognize that our redemption is a continuous process that is supported by an environment of both grace and truth. We welcome all people in their intrinsic worth, trusting in God's incorporating and transforming love to make us into one body and make us whole.
Core Value 4: To Seek Personal and Congregational Growth
We cultivate continuous spiritual and relational growth that leads to personal wholeness and healthy relationships, recognizes our unity in Christ and allows for the diversity of our backgrounds, gifts, and spiritual journeys. Participation in small groups helps us to connect more fully with one another and provides us with both support and growth opportunities as we study, fellowship, celebrate, and serve together.
Core Value 5: To Connect With the Community
We share our faith through verbal witness and compassionate service so that our local and global community experiences the love of God in us and through us. We seek to be witnesses for Christ through our words and actions, building bridges of hope by working for justice, serving human needs and inviting people to be in relationship with God.