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Gravel Hill United Methodist Church

131 Gravel Hill Road

Our Purpose:
Gravel Hill United Methodist Church where we learn, live and share Christ.


Gravel Hill United Methodist Church, a faith community where we learn about Christ through study and worship, live Christ through mission and fellowship to share Christ with the world.

Gravel Hill United Methodist Church, a center for spiritual, emotional and physical growth.

GHMC has a very rich past. In 1846, Henry and Elizabeth Landis sold a portion of their farm to the trustees of the church for a sum of $5.00. This plot of ground was 60 square perches and included an area for a cemetery. The first church erected on this site was known as "Zion's Church on Gravel Hill" and was a member of the United Brethren Church denomination.

In 1905, the original church building was torn down and a new building was constructed. In 1911, the United Brethren Church merged with the Evangelical Church and Zion's Church on Gravel Hill became known as Second Evangelical Brethren Church. In 1952, additions were added to the north and south ends of the building to create a new chancel area and room for additional seating. In 1956, another addition was added to the north to allow for a larger sanctuary, In 1968, a second merger took place between Evangelical United Brethren Church and The United Methodist Church. The Second Evangelical United Brethren Church was renamed Gravel Hill United Methodist Church. In 1969, an education wing and fellowship hall were completed. In 1996, the church celebrated 150 years on Gravel Hill. A year long celebration of "Shining the Light of Christ" culminated with a picnic and dedication of the pavilion behind the church.

Tragedy struck Gravel Hill United Methodist Church on the evening of February 3, 1998. A fire caused by an electrical problem destroyed the beautiful church building on Gravel Hill. The sanctuary was
totally destroyed and extensive smoke and water damage affected the remainder of the building. The fire, however, did not destroy the spirit of the members of the church. Our gracious friends at the
Lebanon Valley Brethren Home allowed us to worship in their chapel and have Christian Education classes in other areas of their facility. In June of 1998, we were able to return to the education wing of our church. Worship services were held in fellowship hall. In the fall of 1998, worship services were moved to the newly constructed Family Center on the site of the former sanctuary. On Christmas Eve of 1999, we had a wonderful celebration of the Savior's birth as we held our first services in our new sanctuary. Formal dedication of the new facility was held on February 6, 2000 on the third anniversary of the fire.

Gravel Hill has been a strong spiritual church since it's beginning. We are committed to learning, living and sharing Christ's love with our community and Christ's community around the world.
