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Greater Hamilton Civic Theatre

Greater Hamilton Civic Theatre
215 S. Third St.

Our Mission

"To provide quality community theatre and advance the appreciation and knowledge of the performing arts for the greater Hamilton area."

Greater Hamilton Civic Theatre is an outgrowth of the Hamilton Little Theatre which was sponsored by the YWCA. On July 23, 1959, an organizational group met and decided to become an independent theatre company. The first constitution was adapted July 26, 1959.

Properties and assets of the Little theatre were transferred to GHCT. Although relations with the YWCA were good, the group felt limited under their sponsorship. These assets, plus money donated by the founding patrons, provided the needed funds to be an independent community theatre group.

The first board of directors in 1959 was chaired by C. C. Fracker. For many years to come, Mr. Fracker was the driving creative force behind GHCT. The guidelines that were drawn up at those first meetings enabled GHCT to grow and prosper through the years.

GHCT Began with two commercial productions a season. In the 1961-62 season it was expanded to three productions and in 1966-67 expanded to four commercial productions, on of which was a small musical.

The group also produced one or two show cases each year until 1967-68. A Showcase was an evening of theatrical entertainment, usually one act plays, offered to GHCT members and their guests. It was an opportunity for person interested theatre, but who may lack experience, to try directing, acting or working back stage. It was also an opportunity to experiment with various types of plays and staging techniques. Knowledge gained in Showcase productions was then put to use in the regular commercial season. The first Showcase was presented January 26, 1960. As you can see, GHCT began immediately to provide education and training for the membership.
