Vision Statement
The mission of the Gresham-Barlow School District is to establish a world-class education for all students through the consistent provision of quality programs which will prepare students to be lifelong learners and productive citizens.
Belief Statements
The beliefs which underlie the vision are that:
- All children can learn: Not on the same day….not in the same way. Each has talents to be discovered, skills to be developed, and a mind to be nourished.
- A positive, safe and supporting learning environment is necessary for an effective education.
- In order to support our expectations for students, all staff must demonstrate the highest ethical behavior and must model respect for all people as members of an inclusive community.
- Students learn best when they are actively engaged in their learning and when they utilize “real life” situations for problem solving.
- Student success and well-being are best achieved through a balanced program which addresses the intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic, and emotional development of each student.
- Individual needs are best met by use of a variety of instructional techniques and technologies and by encouraging student options within and outside the classroom.
- Instruction, staff development and assessment efforts must be aligned to maximize effective achievement of goals.