Hamersville Elementary and Middle School is committed to a tradition of excellence, where the students’ best interest and high expectations guide every decision made. Students entering the building will find; staff members who care for them, teachers who inspire them and instruct them at the highest possible level. Students and staff will collectively and individually set challenging goals and hold themselves accountable for their own academic growth. A school wide alliance that includes; classrooms, cafeteria, transportation and district expectations will ensure that HEMS is a quality school supported by students, parents, community, and the entire school staff
-Provides a well maintained building where students, staff and parents feel comfortable, safe, valued and accepted.
-Promotes an atmosphere of enthusiasm for learning and encourages teamwork and cooperation.
-Recognizes and celebrates student and staff achievements.
-Monitors behaviors and school rules are consistently enforced.
-Accept responsibility for their learning to become life-long independent learners.
-Behave in a manner consistent with good character—shows courtesy and respect towards others.
-Become accountable for their own actions.
-Understand grade level standards and expectations.
-Believes all students can learn.
-Supports the school vision, mission, goals and each other.
-Works in a collaborative/professional manner and holds self and others accountable.
-Maintains high expectations for students, peers and self.
-Always put our students first in decision making.
-Consistently self-evaluates their effectiveness as educators/professionals.
-Monitors students’ behavior, academic progress and emotional well-being.
Academic Excellence
-Varied delivery of curriculum that meets the needs of both the regular and special education students without compromising the learning of either
-Child-centered classrooms where students are actively/highly engaged in hands-on activities.
-Well planned lessons presented using Best Practice strategies including the use of technology to prepare students for the 21stCentury.
-Rigorous lessons designed reflecting the academic content standards, taught in a differentiated learning environment and assessed in a variety of ways.