School Mission Statement:
The Faculty of Happy Valley School believes that our general purpose is to provide a stimulating, safe atmosphere conducive to learning with emphasis placed upon developing student character, generosity and academic growth. We believe we are obligated to strive to motivate, individualize and foster a great quest for knowledge in each student.
Happy Valley School was orginally built in January 1926. The original site was built in 1947. Happy Valley was previously an elementary school as well as a high school. The last graduating high school class was 1966. At this time, Hibriten High School opened it's doors and Happy Valley became a K-8 school as it remains to this day.
Purpose: Hard Work + Strong Values = Success
Direction: Happy Valley School, in partnership with the community, educates all individuals to be responsible citizens in a global society. We are dedicated to provide a rigorous curriculum in a safe nurturing environment.