About Us
Hillsborough United Church of Christ began meeting as a congregation in June of 1989. The group formally united with the United Church of Christ in November 1989.We built and occupied the church building on Davis Road in November of 1991.The church established itself as "a different church for a changing community." From the beginning, the congregation has been committed to being an open and inclusive community of faith showing God's love in the name of Jesus Christ.In 2000, the congregation became an "Open and Affirming" congregation, which means that people of all sexual orientations are welcome in the full life and ministry of our church.In addition to Sunday morning Bible study and worship , the church offers retreats , book study groups, a writer's group, arts events, choir and guitar groups, sacred dance group, Thanksgiving Dinner, workshops, recreational events, Christmas Pagent and many other relationship-building activities.A commitment to following the teachings of Jesus by growing spiritually and serving others is at the heart of the life and ministry of Hillsborough United Church of Christ.Scripture focus of the congregation:
"And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"