Hiltons Methodist Church was built in the spring of 1935 under the leadership of Rev. C.L. Poulston. Prior to that, the congregation had met at other locations, including Hart's Hill Methodist Church. The congregation donated money, materials and labor to build the church. The bell, pulpit, chancel rail and pews were brought from Hart's Hill Methodist Church. In 1953, three Sunday School rooms were added to the church, along with asbestos shingles, shrubbery and a wall around the front of the churchyard. In 1958, money was raised to build a new parsonage. The parsonage was completed by the end of the conference year and the pastor was in residence by June. The old parsonage was redecorated and used for Sunday School and a fellowship hall. By early 1967, the need for a new church was being discussed andit was decided to build the educational building first. On August 13, 1967, the groundbreaking ceremony for the building was held. The educational building was dedicated on March 29, 1968 by Bishop H. Ellis Finger, Rev. James L. Patterson and the Rev. J.W. Gott.
In early 1969, plans were made for a new sanctuary. Work started in the spring of 1970. Bishop L. Scott Allen dedicated the new sanctuary on May 13, 1973. Some of the old church furniture was used. A new communion table, pulpit chairs, flower stands and new pews were donated in memory of loved ones. The bell from Hart's Hill Methodist Church was placed in the sign in front of the church. Over the years there have been changes in the Church. A picnic shelter was added in 1983, stained glass windows were placed in the sanctuary in 1992, the parsonage we remodeled in 1995 and a new heating and cooling system was installed in the church in 1996. The church currently has a membership of approximately 230. There are eight Sunday School classes, an active Senior Citizens group, Men's Prayer Group, a Junior and Senior Youth Group and the United Methodist Women's Group. The church also participates in the Hiltons Helping Hands Food Bank. Harvest Day Festival, Hiltons Community Revival, Men's Breakfast Group and other activities of the Hiltons Area Churches. Hiltons Memorial United Methodist Church has come a long way since it's beginning and our work for the glory of God is never ending.