We are a school district with an unrelenting focus on learning. All students will succeed, as success is our only option.
Hollister R-V Schools
A Professional Learning Community
The Hollister School District is striving to function as a professional learning community. As such, we are emphasizing the importance of learning over teaching, the value of collaboration among teachers and staff, seeking out "best practices" in teaching, providing intervention strategies for struggling students, and focusing on results through attention to collecting and analyzing data. Professional development and training are given high priority as a means to implement best instructional practices. Time has been set aside every Friday afternoon for weekly collaboration and professional development. In addition to the weekly Early Out program, the district encourages teachers to pursue advanced degrees by offering a tuition reimbursement program and numerous opportunities for teacher professional development throughout the summer.
The Hollister R-V School District is a progressive and growing school district comprised of four attendance centers. Student enrollment totals 1,163 students which are housed in four buildings; Elementary, K-4; Middle School, 5-6; Junior High, 7-8; and High School, 9-12. The Hollister R-V School District has seen steady growth over the last 20 years and with continued development of the Tri-lakes area, significant growth is anticipated in the very near future.