The Congregation of Holy Cross has established schools, as a continuation of the legacy of the Reverend Basil Anthony Moreau, to cultivate minds and hearts and to serve the needs of the Church and the World. Educational institutions sponsored by the Eastern Province of Brothers of the Congregation of Holy Cross are entrusted with the stewardship of the vision of Father Moreau. These institutions, their boards and faculties, employ their resources in partnership with students, parents, guardians and other members of the wider community.
As effective educators, we assist others to view all reality through the eyes of faith. Holy Cross schools offer educational programs to a diverse group of students, fostering the gifts of those with whom and for whom we work. We teach the Catholic faith; we encourage the pursuit of academic excellence; we nurture a commitment to integral growth by focusing on Christian values and the intellectual, creative, social and physical development of those we serve. We spur those whom we serve to challenge prejudice, as well as unjust networks of power and privilege. Holy Cross sponsored schools exist to promote the legacy and vision of Father Moreau by developing leaders among the People of God for the good of the Church and society.