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Hudson County Community College

70 Sip Avenue

Over the past decade, the credit enrollment has grown to more than 6,000 students, and not-for-credit enrollments have increased more than 10 times. The curricula have been revised and expanded to include more and stronger transfer and career programs, including a Paramedic Science degree program launched last semester. The College has established a centralized counseling program, and reorganized student government/student activities programs provide a strong co-curricular supplement to academic programs.

HCCC's chapter of the international Phi Theta Kappa honor society is a source of special pride for the College and has earned national and statewide recognition for excellence. The Center for Business and Industry has been established to provide contract training for county employers and local businesses. A recently established Division of Technology and Instructional Support Services is implementing ambitious plans to incorporate technology into the classroom and workplace.

As a community-based college, HCCC strives to serve not only its current students, but future students as well. The College has established successful middle college programs with the boards of education in Jersey City and Union City.

Mission Statement
Hudson County Community College is a comprehensive urban community college. The mission of the College is to offer high quality programs and services which are affordable, accessible, and community-centered. All programs and services are designed to meet the educational needs of a linguistically and ethnically /racially diverse community, and to promote the economic, technological, cultural, social, and civic development of Hudson County and its service areas.

The College is committed to equal educational opportunities for traditional and non-traditional students who can benefit from its programs and services without regard to race, ethnic or national origin, religion, age, gender, disability, economic status, or educational background.
