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Huntley Project Schools

1477 Ash Street

the Huntley Project School District serves students living in four small Montana communities: Worden, Ballantine, Huntley, and Pompeys Pillar, with total population nearing 3,000 people. The campus is located in Worden, 20 miles northeast of Montana's largest city, Billings.
Total 2007-2008 enrollment is 718 students, grades K - 12. The high school currently has 226 students, making Huntley Project a Class B school in the Montana High School Association. Junior high enrollment (grades 7 and 8) checks in at 125, and the elementary school (K - 6) has a student population of 367 children.
The name 'Huntley Project' is short for Huntley Irrigation Project, which was the second U.S. Bureau of Reclamation irrigation project. The area was part of the Crow Indian Reservation from 1874 to 1904 when the government purchased the 35,000 acres, stretching across 27 miles from Huntley, east to the Little Bull Mountains.
