Green Group EV 3000
Accelerating inventions and innovations is the responsibility of every responsible and technology loving citizen. Taking us off oil and petrol is becoming a focal strategy for the any government but without your help this strategy is not going to see the day light.
Thinking of battery development as the only solution behind electric vehicles is not the answer and the recent exposure in the media is a significant proof and example. There must be other options and other solutions.
New technologies and new discoveries have not been allowed to surface for countless reasons and we leave it to your imagination. The lack of adequate funding for R & D is another hindrance.
President Obama new initiative is a step in the right direction and long overdue strategic thinking outside the box.
IIfET ushers a new era not to be ignored. It shortens long-awaited research and development by making long range electric vehicles of 500+ miles affordable and mass- produced as well as training for new qualifications needed to fill gaps and skills.
IIfET technology pushed the envelope to make electric transportation a more strategic and integrated sector with intelligent infrastructures, that generate revenues and eliminate the need for oil forever, so if you want the solution, the solution is that close, near you and at arm's length. Naturally, IIfET can be an integral part of any sector, private or public and even any local or federal government initiative, if not complementary to it.