What is the focus of JB Neufeld?
One of my favorite aspects about wine is how the same variety, made by the same person, in the same ‘style’, but from two different vineyards, can make two totally different wines. I really don’t like to use the word terroir, but I haven’t come up with a better term yet… I will let you know when I do! This interest became JB Neufeld.
Usually I blend other varieties or fruit from different vineyards to create a more balanced and interesting wine. I try to fill in the gaps so to speak. However, when that happens the wine loses some of its uniqueness of place.
The focus of this project, JB Neufeld, is maintaining that uniqueness of place. It forces me to concentrate much more on the fruit than I might normally, in order to find its qualities and how to enhance them and make a more interesting wine. I am fortunate to source fruit from some of the best vineyards in Washington State, which makes this project that much more exhilarating and challenging.