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Some would say that dreams and visions should be linked with superstitions. However, if one can believe the Bible and accept it as a foundation for all beliefs, and it's for sure there is no other foundation, then we can assure you that after reading the visions on these pages, any doubts or misinformation you may have concerning the reasons or meanings of dreams or visions will be completely eradicated.
Who We Are:
Jesus Christ's Eternal Kingdom of Abundant Life, Inc. is a non-profit corporation that is chartered with the United States Government, under the state of Mississippi and registered in the state of Georgia. The founder, Rev. George L. Pike, established this corporation in the early 1960's for the sole purpose of spreading the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature. Our home base is located in Monroe, Georgia, at a small community called Little Bethlehem, affectionately known as "The Home of the Soul," which is our international head-quarters for world evangelism. Families from around the country have been called together as a unit to help in this monumental task, through crusades, benevolence missions, cassette and video tape ministry, and the printed page.
Currently, we have literature in over 50 different languages, and a mailing list that reaches around the world. Within this archive are many of the tracts, sermon books and other articles of faith that we believe will be of great enlightenment and interest to those who seek real truth, for within them contains the "Revelation of Jesus Christ" which was given for the translation of the church.
If this site is a blessing to you in any way, we would love to hear from you! Please drop us a note and let us know. This greatly encourages us to continue in our work for the Lord.